Dezert, z ktorého sa nepriberá!Sympatické menšie ovocie prináša radosť перевод - Dezert, z ktorého sa nepriberá!Sympatické menšie ovocie prináša radosť английский как сказать

Dezert, z ktorého sa nepriberá!Symp

Dezert, z ktorého sa nepriberá!

Sympatické menšie ovocie prináša radosť labužníkom, ale aj ľuďom, ktorí si strážia hmotnosť, či diabetikom. Jahody obsahujú málo glukózy a fruktózy, až 90% vody – dokáže zahnať smäd a doplní potrebnú energiu unavenému organizmu.
Obsahujú bielkoviny, zložené sacharidy, minimum tuku, vlákninu, vápnik, antioxidanty, karotén, kyselinu listovú, vitamíny A, B, C, E a K, draslík, horčík, fosfor, železo, sodík, mangán a meď. Jahody patria spolu s čučoriedkami a brusnicami k najsilnejším potravinovým antioxidantom vôbec. Majú aj protizápalový a antibakteriálny účinok, pomáhajú pri problémoch s trávením, pri liečbe pečene. Železo má priaznivý účinok na krvotvorbu a rast buniek. 
Vysoký obsah kyseliny citrónovej a jablčnej má na tráviaci systém dezinfekčné účinky a zlepšuje vstrebávanie železa z rastlinných potravín. Vláknina, pektín má priaznivý účinok tráviaci trakt a srdcovo-cievny systém, znižuje hladinu zlého cholesterolu v krvi. Vápnik prispieva k výžive kostí, zubov a podporuje rast vlasov a nechtov. 
Jahody majú upokojujúci účinok. Obsahujú mangán, ktorý pôsobí ako afrodiziakum. Aj preto neprekvapí spojenie jahôd s chvíľami romantiky a hlbokého citu.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Dessert, from which it takes!Sympathetic smaller fruit, but also people who labužníkom brings joy to guard mass, or diabetics. Strawberries contain little glucose and fructose, up to 90% of the water – will be able to fight off the thirsty and fills the energy unavenému of the organism. Contain protein, carbohydrates, fat, fiber, low calcium compound, antioxidants carotene, folic acid, vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, manganese, and copper. Along with the blueberries and cranberries to the strawberries are the most powerful antioxidant food at all. They also have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, helps with digestion, to treat liver problems. Iron has a beneficial effect on krvotvorbu and growth of cells. A high content of citric acid and Malic acid has an antiseptic effect on the digestive system and improves the absorption of iron from plant foods. Fiber, pectin has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and cardio-vascular system, reduces levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. Calcium contributes to the sustenance of the bones, teeth and promotes growth of hair and nails. Strawberries have a calming effect. Contain manganese, which acts as an aphrodisiac. Also because it is a connection point, romance, and deep feeling with the strawberries.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Dessert, of which have not risen! Sympathetic smaller fruit brings joy gourmet, but those who guard the weight or diabetics. Strawberries low in fructose and glucose, and 90% of water - is able to fight off the thirst and make the necessary energy to tired organism. They include protein, carbohydrate compound, low fat, fiber, calcium, antioxidants, carotene, folic acid, vitamins A, B, C, E and K, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, manganese and copper. Strawberries are with blueberries and cranberries for the most powerful antioxidant food at all. They also have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, help a digestive, in the treatment of liver. Iron has a beneficial effect on blood formation, and cell growth. The high content of citric acid and malic acid on the digestive system and improve the disinfecting effects of the absorption of iron from plant foods. Fiber, pectin has a beneficial effect digestive system, cardiovascular system, reduces the level of bad cholesterol. Calcium contributes to the nutrition of bones, teeth, and promotes the growth of hair and nails. Strawberries have a calming effect. They contain manganese, which acts as an aphrodisiac. Therefore surprising combination of strawberries with moments of romance and deep emotion.

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